RAL Space is part of the Science and Technology Facilities Council at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) and carries out an exciting range of world-class space research and technology development. Within the NERC remit it is the activities on Earth Observation that are directly relevant, ranging from technology related to space hardware for observing our planet, to systems dealing with the reception, analysis and provision of Earth Observation data.
We have expertise in a large range of areas including engineering (hardware and software), computing including data intensive science, and technology system development, application and implementation.
RAL Space would like to support DTP students with joint development of projects, implementation of CASE studentships (subject to budgetary constraints), co-supervision of projects (in-kind support), hosting of students at RAL Space, either regularly for short periods or as longer blocks, as appropriate to the project, and contribution to core and specialist lectures.
Contact information
Science and Technology Facilities Council
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Harwell Oxford
OX11 0QX