Over the past 10 years, satellite-based fourier transform spectrometers, such as IASI and MIPAS, have been providing complete infrared spectra of the atmosphere, containing 2 or 3 orders of magnitude more data than the earlier generation of instruments with 10 or so wideband radiometer channels, and the challenge is to make best use of such increased information. The Oxford group has developed a variety of algorithms and software tools to model these spectra and, from them, retrieve atmospheric composition: temperature, aerosols, greenhouse gases, trace species.
Associated DPhil projects are aimed at improving these algorithms with particular application to a subset of species with some underlying scientific connection, such as volcanic emissions or pollution, or a common problem, such as dealing with cloudy scenes. We work closely with the European Space Agency, the UK Met Office and other UK and European labs engaged in similar research (including many former DPhil students, most of whom choose to continue in the same field).
Experience & Qualifications
DPhil, University of Oxford, Atmospheric Physics
35 years researcher/university research lecturer at University of Oxford