I graduated from Exeter University with a BSc in Geography. The study of geomorphology and climate change, alongside environmental policy and management encouraged my interest in natural hazards and subsequently I completed an MSc in Volcanology at Bristol University, finishing in 2013. This course gave a comprehensive overview of the physics governing the nature of volcanic activity, monitoring techniques and methods for disaster risk reduction and recovery- lessons which were then reinforced on a field course in Guatemala. During my MSc I completed a research project entitled ‘Investigating the Application of Desert Dust Detection Techniques for the Monitoring of Volcanic Ash Hazards’.
Following this I spent three months working in Hawaii with the gas geochemistry team at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. The role primarily included collecting and processing gas emission data from flyspec and FTIR, but also involved maintaining equipment, analysing water samples and mapping the active lava flows.
2011: Dean’s commendation, Exeter University
2010-2013: Jubilee and Millhayes Science Scholarship, Exeter University
Current Research
I am interested the effects of sulphur dioxide gas emissions from volcanoes on cloud properties and precipitation and how satellite imagery can be used for detecting and monitoring volcanic ash and gases in the atmosphere.
Taylor, I, Mackie, S. and Watson, M. (2015) Investigating the use of the Saharan dust index as a tool for the detection of volcanic ash in SEVIRI imagery, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 304:126-141.