Maor Sela

Academic Profile

I recently graduated with an M.Sc degree in Atmospheric Sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. My research focused on the impact of amorphousness on light scattering, especially on semi-solid atmospheric aerosol particles.
During my last year, I won the Shindel Prize in recognition of quality research, teaching, and international research efforts.

Current Research

For my DPhil, I will be working on the radiation-aerosol/cloud interaction. Clouds and aerosols play a major role in climate forcing, as they scatter, absorb and re-emit radiation. In addition, they are poorly represented in current climate models, and as a result, they are responsible for the uncertainty associated with radiative forcing.


Sela, M., and C. Haspel, Predicting the refractive index of amorphous materials using the Bruggeman effective medium approximation. Applied Optics, 59(28), 8822- 8827,2020.

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