Matthias Aengenheyster

Academic Profile

After a BSc in Physics from Jacobs University Bremen, Germany (thesis title: “Wind driven stirring in the Arctic Ocean”) I obtained a MSc in Climate Physics from Utrecht University, The Netherlands, with my thesis titled “Point of No Return and Optimal Transitions in CMIP5” that looked at the link between anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and global mean temperature, as well as possible mitigation pathways.


  • EMMEPH thesis prize (2017) for the best master thesis, Department of Physics, Utrecht University

Current Research

I am interested in the role of the ocean in the climate system. In particular, this includes the ocean response to air-sea heat fluxes and the role of SST patterns in shaping atmospheric extreme events.


van Zalinge, B. C., Feng, Q. Y., Aengenheyster, M., and Dijkstra, H. A. (2017). On determining the point of no return in climate change. Earth Syst. Dynam., 8, 707-717,, 2017.