Sylva Foundation

About us

The Sylva Foundation is an environmental charity working to ensure woodlands thrive for people and nature, and to use the sustainable products they grow in innovative ways. It provides the UK’s only dedicated forestry think-tank, collecting science-based insights into sustainable forest management at national and international level. It aims to sustain productive and resilient woodlands by providing state-of-art knowledge, collaborating with a network of thousands of woodland managers to collect state-of-art information, and to share this widely to inform best practice. It is able to offer co-supervision (three previous Oxford DPhil students supervised); access to facilities; data and study sites; expert advice; work placements; field work support; and, public engagement opportunities.

Contact information

Sylva Wood Centre,
Long Wittenham,
Oxfordshire OX14 4QT


Research keywords

woodland, forest, ecology, ecosystems, resilience